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[28 ----- Chemicals and Allied Products(cont')]

[2865 -000 ----- Cyclic crudes and intermediates]

2865-A01 ----- Acid dyes, synthetic
2865-A02 ----- Acids, coal tar: derived from coal tar distillation
2865-A03 ----- Acids, naphtholsulfonic
2865-A04 ----- Alkylated diphenylamines, mixed
2865-A05 ----- Alkylated phenol, mixed
2865-A06 ----- Aminoanthraquinone
2865-A07 ----- Aminoazobenzene
2865-A08 ----- Aminoazotoluene
2865-A09 ----- Aminophenol
2865-A10 ----- Aniline
2865-A11 ----- Aniline oil
2865-A12 ----- Anthracene
2865-A13 ----- Anthraquinone dyes
2865-A14 ----- Azine dyes
2865-A15 ----- Azo dyes
2865-A16 ----- Azobenzene
2865-A17 ----- Azoic dyes
2865-B01 ----- Benzaldehyde
2865-B02 ----- Benzene hexachloride (BHC)
2865-B03 ----- Benzene, made in chemical plants
2865-B04 ----- Benzoic acid
2865-B05 ----- Biological stains
2865-C01 ----- Chemical indicators
2865-C02 ----- Chlorobenzene
2865-C03 ----- Chloronaphthalene
2865-C04 ----- Chlorophenol
2865-C05 ----- Chlorotoluene
2865-C06 ----- Coal tar crudes, derived from coal tar distillation
2865-C07 ----- Coal tar distillates
2865-C08 ----- Coal tar intermediates
2865-C09 ----- Color lakes and toners
2865-C10 ----- Color pigments, organic: except animal black and bone black
2865-C11 ----- Colors, dry: lakes, toners, or full strength organic colors
2865-C12 ----- Colors, extended (color lakes)
2865-C13 ----- Colors, food: synthetic
2865-C14 ----- Cosmetic dyes, synthetic
2865-C15 ----- Creosote oil, made in chemical plants
2865-C16 ----- Cresols, made in chemical plants
2865-C17 ----- Cresylic acid, made in chemical plants
2865-C18 ----- Cyclic crudes, coal tar: product of coal tar distillation
2865-C19 ----- Cyclic intermediates, made in chemical plants
2865-C20 ----- Cyclohexane
2865-D01 ----- Diphenylamine
2865-D02 ----- Distillates, coal tar
2865-D03 ----- Drug dyes, synthetic
2865-D04 ----- Dye (cyclic) intermediates
2865-D05 ----- Dyes, food: synthetic
2865-D06 ----- Dyes, synthetic organic
2865-E01 ----- Eosine toners
2865-E02 ----- Ethyl benzene
2865-F01 ----- Food dyes and colors, synthetic
2865-H01 ----- Hydroquinone
2865-I01 ----- Indicators, chemical
2865-I02 ----- Interlediates- cyclic (coal tar)
2865-I03 ----- Isocyanates
2865-L01 ----- Lake red C toners
2865-L02 ----- Lakes, color
2865-L03 ----- Leather dyes and stains, synthetic
2865-L04 ----- Lithol rubine lakes and toners
2865-M01 ----- Maleic anhydride
2865-M02 ----- Methyl violet toners
2865-N01 ----- Naphtha, solvent: made in chemical plants
2865-N02 ----- Naphthalene chips and flakes
2865-N03 ----- Naphthalene, made in chemical plants
2865-N04 ----- Naphthol, alpha!and beta
2865-N05 ----- Naphtholsulfonic acids
2865-N06 ----- Nitro dyes
2865-N07 ----- Nitroaniline
2865-N08 ----- Nitrobenzene
2865-N09 ----- Nitrophenol
2865-N10 ----- Niuroso dyes
2965-O01 ----- Oil, creosote: product of coal tar distillation
2865-O02 ----- Oils: light, medium, and heavy: made in chemical plants
2865-O03 ----- Organic colors, full strength
2865-O04 ----- Organic pigrments (lakes and toners)
2865-O05 ----- Orthodichlorobenzene
2865-P01 ----- Paint pigments, organic
2865-P02 ----- Peacock blue lake
2865-P03 ----- Pentachlorophenol
2865-P04 ----- Persian orange lake
2865-P05 ----- Phenol
2865-P06 ----- Qhloxine toners
2865-P07 ----- Phosphomolybdic acid lakes and toners
2865-P08 ----- Phosphotungstic acid lakes and toners
2865-P09 ----- Phthalic anhydride
2865-P10 ----- Phthalocyanine toners
2865-P11 ----- Pigment scarlet lake
2865-P12 ----- Pigments, organic: except animal black and bone black
2865-P13 ----- Pitch, product of coal tar distillation
2865-P14 ----- Pulp colors, organic
2865-Q01 ----- Quinoline dyes
2865-R01 ----- Resorcinol
2865-S01 ----- Scarlet 2 R lake
2865-S02 ----- Solvent naphtha, made in chemical plants
2865-S03 ----- Stains, biological
2865-S04 ----- Stilbene dyes
2865-S05 ----- Styrene
2865-S06 ----- Styrene monomer
2865-T01 ----- Tar, product of coal tar distillation
2865-T02 ----- Toluene, made in chemical plants
2865-T03 ----- Toluidines
2865-T04 ----- Toners (reduced or full strength organic colors)
2865-V01 ----- Vat dyes, synthetic
2865-X01 ----- Xylene, made in chemical plants

[2835 -000 ----- Diagnostic substances]

2835-A01 ----- Angiourographic diagnostic agents
2835-B01 ----- Barium diagnostic agents
2835-B02 ----- Blood derivative diagnostic reagents
2835-C01 ----- Clinical chemistry reagents (including toxicology)
2835-C02 ----- Clinical chemistry standards and controls (including toxicology)
2835-C03 ----- Coagulation diagnostic reagents
2835-C04 ----- Cold kius for labeling vith technetium
2835-C05 ----- Contrast media diagnostic products (e.g., iodine and barium)
2835-C06 ----- Cytology and histology diagnostic products
2835-D01 ----- Diagnostic agents, biological
2835-E01 ----- Electrolyte diagnostic reagents
2835-E02 ----- Enzyme and isoenzyme diagnostic reagent;
2835-H01 ----- Hematology diagnostic reagents
2835-I01 ----- In vitro diagnostics
2835-I02 ----- In vivo diagnostics
2835-I03 ----- In vivo radioactive reagents
2835-I04 ----- Iodinatee diagnostic ageots
2835-M01 ----- Metabolite diagnostic reagents
2835-M02 ----- Microbiology, virology, and serology diagnostic products
2835-P01 ----- Pregnancy test kits
2835-R01 ----- Radioactive diagnostic substances
2835-T01 ----- Technetium products
2835-V01 ----- Viral test diagnostic reagents

[2892 -000 ----- Explosives]

2892-A01 ----- Amatol (explosives)
2892-A02 ----- Azides (explosives)
2892-B01 ----- Blasting powder and blasting caps
2892-C01 ----- Caps, blasting and detonating
2892-C02 ----- Carbohydrates, nitrated (explosives)
2892-C03 ----- Cordeau detonant (explosives)
2892-C04 ----- Cordite (explosives)
2892-D01 ----- Detonating caps for safety fuses
2892-D02 ----- Detonators (explosive compounds)
2892-D03 ----- Dynamite
2892-E01 ----- Explosive cartridges for concussion forming of metal
2892-E02 ----- Explosive compounds
2892-E03 ----- Explosives
2892-F01 ----- Fulminate of mercury (explosive compounds)
2892-F02 ----- Fuse powder
2892-F03 ----- Fuses, safety
2892-G01 ----- Gunpowder
2892-H01 ----- High explosives
2892-L01 ----- Lead azide (explosives)
2892-M01 ----- Mercury azide (explosives)
2892-N01 ----- Nitrated carbohydrates (explosives)
2892-N02 ----- Nitrocellulose powder (explosives)
2892-N03 ----- Nitroglycerin (explosives)
2892-N04 ----- Nitromannitol (explosives)
2892-N05 ----- Nitrostarch (explosives)
2892-N06 ----- Nitrosugars (explosives)
2892-P01 ----- Pellet powder (explosives)
2892-P02 ----- Penyolite (explosives)
2892-P03 ----- Permissible explosives
2892-P04 ----- Picric acid (explosives)
2892-P05 ----- Powder, blasting
2892-P06 ----- Powder, explosive: pellet, smokeless, and sporting
2892-S01 ----- Safety fuses
2892-S02 ----- Smokeless powder
2892-S03 ----- Sporting powder (explosive)
2892-S04 ----- Squibbs, electric
2892-S05 ----- Styphnic acid
2892-T01 ----- Tetryl (explosives)
2892-T02 ----- TNT (trinitroyoluene)
2892-T03 ----- Torpedoes, well shooting (explosives)
2892-T04 ----- Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
2892-W01 ----- Well shooting torpedoes (explosives)

[2875 -000 ----- Fertilizers, mixing only]

2875-C01 ----- Compost
2875-F01 ----- Fertilizers, mixed: made in plants not manufacturing fertilizer materials
2875-P01 ----- Potting soil, mixed

[2861 -000 ----- Gum and wood chemicals]

2861-A01 ----- Acetate of lime, naturam
2861-A02 ----- Acetone, natural
2861-A03 ----- Acid, pyroligneous-fig
2861-A04 ----- Alcohol, methyl: natural
2861-A05 ----- Alcohol, wood: natural (methanol)
2861-A06 ----- Annato extract
2861-B01 ----- Brazilwood extract
2861-B02 ----- Brewers, pitch, product of softwood distillation
2861-C01 ----- Calcium acetate, product of hardwood distillation
2861-C02 ----- Charcoal, except activated
2861-C03 ----- Chestnut extract
2861-C04 ----- Creosote, wood
2861-D01 ----- Distillates, wood
2861-D02 ----- Dragon, s blood
2861-D03 ----- Dyeing and extract materials, natural
2861-D04 ----- Dyestuffs, natural
2861-E01 ----- Ethyl acetate, natural
2861-E02 ----- Extracts, dyeing and tanning: natural
2861-F01 ----- Fustic wood extract
2861-G01 ----- Gambier extract
2861-G02 ----- Gum naval stores, processing but not gathering or warehousing
2861-H01 ----- Hardwood distillates
2861-H02 ----- Hemlock extract
2861-L01 ----- Logwood extract
2861-M01 ----- Mangrove extract
2861-M02 ----- Methanol, natural (wood alcohol)
2861-M03 ----- Methyl acetone
2861-M04 ----- Methyl alcohol, natural (wood alcohol)
2861-M05 ----- Myrobalans extract
2861-N01 ----- Naval stores, gum: processing but not gathering or warehousing
2861-N02 ----- Naval stores, wood
2861-O01 ----- Oak extract
2861-O02 ----- Oil, pine: produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
2861-O03 ----- Oils, wood: product of hardwood distillation
2861-P01 ----- Pine oil, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
2861-P02 ----- Pit charcoal
2861-P03 ----- Pitch, wood
2861-P04 ----- Pyroligrieous acid
2861-Q01 ----- Quebracho extract
2861-Q02 ----- Quercitron extract
2861-R01 ----- Rosin, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
2861-S01 ----- Softwood distillates
2861-S02 ----- Sumac extract
2861-T01 ----- Tall oil, except skimmings
2861-T02 ----- Tanning extracts and materials, natural
2861-T03 ----- Tar and tar oils, products of wood distillation
2861-T04 ----- Turpentine, produced by distillation of pine gum or pine wood
2861-V01 ----- Valonia extract
2861-W01 ----- Wattle extract
2861-W02 ----- Wood alcohol, natural
2861-W03 ----- Wood creosote
2861-W04 ----- Wood distillates
2861-W05 ----- Wood oils, product of hardwood distillation

[2813 -000 ----- Industrial gases]

2813-A01 ----- Acetylene
2813-A02 ----- Argon
2813-C01 ----- Carbon dioxide
2813-D01 ----- Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)
2813-G01 ----- Gases, industrial: compressed, liquefied, or solid
2813-H01 ----- Helium
2813-H02 ----- Hydrogen
2813-N01 ----- Neon
2813-N02 ----- Nitrogen
2813-N03 ----- Nitrous oxide
2813-O01 ----- Oxygen, compressed and liquefied

[2819 -000 ----- Industrial inorganic chemicals, n.e.c.]

2819-A01 ----- Acids, inorganic: except nitric or phosphoric
2819-A02 ----- Activated carbon and charcoal
2819-A03 ----- Alkali metals
2819-A04 ----- Alumina
2819-A05 ----- Aluminum chloride
2819-A06 ----- Aluminum compounds
2819-A07 ----- Aluminum hydroxide (alumina trihydrate)
2819-A08 ----- Aluminum oxide
2819-A09 ----- Aluminum sulfate
2819-A10 ----- Alums
2819-A11 ----- Ammonia alum
2819-A12 ----- Ammonium chloride, hydroxide, and moblybdate
2819-A13 ----- Ammonium compounds, except for fertilizer
2819-A14 ----- Ammonium perchlorate
2819-A15 ----- Ammonium thiosulfate
2819-B01 ----- Barium compounds
2819-B02 ----- Bauxite, refined
2819-B03 ----- Beryllium oxide
2819-B04 ----- Bichromates and chromates
2819-B05 ----- Bleach (calcium hypochlorite), industrial
2819-B06 ----- Bleach (sodium hypochlorite), industrial
2819-B07 ----- Bleaches, industrial
2819-B08 ----- Bleaching powder, industrial
2819-B09 ----- Borax (sodium tetraborate)
2819-B10 ----- Boric acid
2819-B11 ----- Boron compounds, not produced at mines
2819-B12 ----- Borosilicate
2819-B13 ----- Brine
2819-B14 ----- Bromine, elemental
2819-C01 ----- Calcium carbide, chloride, and hypochlorite
2819-C02 ----- Calcium compounds, inorganic
2819-C03 ----- Calcium metal
2819-C04 ----- Carbide
2819-C05 ----- Carbon, activated
2819-C06 ----- Catalysts, chemical
2819-C07 ----- Cerium salts
2819-C08 ----- Cesium metal
2819-C09 ----- Charcoal, activated
2819-C10 ----- Chemical catalysts
2819-C11 ----- Chemicals, laboratory: inorganic
2819-C12 ----- Chlorosulfonic acid
2819-C13 ----- Chromates and bichromates
2819-C14 ----- Chromic acid
2819-C15 ----- Chromium compounds, inorganic
2819-C16 ----- Chromium salts
2819-C17 ----- Cobalt 60 (radioactive)
2819-C18 ----- Cobalt chloride
2819-C19 ----- Cobalt sulfate
2819-C20 ----- Copper chloride
2819-C21 ----- Copper iodide and oxide
2819-C22 ----- Copper sulfate
2819-C23 ----- Cyanides
2819-D01 ----- Desiccants, activated: silica gel
2819-D02 ----- Dichromates
2819-F01 ----- Ferric chloride
2819-F02 ----- Ferric oxides, except pigments
2819-F03 ----- Ferrocyanides
2819-F04 ----- Fertilizer materials: muriate and sulfate of potash, not produced at mines
2819-F05 ----- Fissionable material production
2819-F06 ----- Fluorine, elemental
2819-F07 ----- Fuel propellants, solid: inorganic
2819-F08 ----- Fuels, high energy: inorganic
2819-G01 ----- Glauber's salt
2819-H01 ----- Heavy water
2819-H02 ----- High purity grade chemicals, inorganic: refined from technical grades
2819-H03 ----- Hydrated alumina silicate powder
2819-H04 ----- Hydrazine
2819-H05 ----- Hydrochloric acid
2819-H06 ----- Hydrocyanic acid
2819-H07 ----- Hydrofluoric acid
2819-H08 ----- Hydrogen peroxide
2819-H09 ----- Hydrogen sulfide
2819-H10 ----- Hydrosulfites
2819-H11 ----- Hypophosphites
2819-I01 ----- Indium chloride
2819-I02 ----- Inorganic acids, except nitric or phosphoric
2819-I03 ----- Iodides
2819-I04 ----- Iodine, elemental
2819-I05 ----- Iodine, resublimed
2819-I06 ----- Isotopes, radioactive
2819-L01 ----- Laboratory chemicals, inorganic
2819-L02 ----- Lead oxides, other than pigments
2819-L03 ----- Lead silicate
2819-L04 ----- Lime bleaching compounds
2819-L05 ----- Lithium compounds
2819-L06 ----- Lithium metal
2819-L07 ----- lron sulphate
2819-L08 ----- Luminous compounds, radium
2819-M01 ----- Magnesium carbonate
2819-M02 ----- Magnesium chloride
2819-M03 ----- Magnesium compounds, inorganic
2819-M04 ----- Manganese dioxide powder, synthetic
2819-M05 ----- Mercury chlorides (calomel, corrosive sublimate), except U.S.P.
2819-M06 ----- Mercury compounds, inorganic
2819-M07 ----- Mercury oxides
2819-M08 ----- Mercury, redistilled
2819-M09 ----- Metals, liquid
2819-M10 ----- Mixed acid
2819-M11 ----- Muriate of potash, not produced at mines
2819-N01 ----- Nickel ammonium sulfate
2819-N02 ----- Nickel carbonate
2819-N03 ----- Nickel compounds, inorganic
2819-N04 ----- Nickel sulfate
2819-N05 ----- Nuclear cores, inorganic
2819-N06 ----- Nuclear fuel reactor cores, inorganic
2819-N07 ----- Nuclear fuel scrap reprocessing
2819-O01 ----- Oleum (fuming sulfuric acid)
2819-O02 ----- Oxidation catalyst made from porcelain
2819-P01 ----- Perchloric acid
2819-P02 ----- Peroxides, inorganic
2819-P03 ----- Phosphates, except defluorinated and ammoniated
2819-P04 ----- Phosphorus and phosphorus oxychloride
2819-P05 ----- Potash alum
2819-P06 ----- Potassium aluminum sulfate
2819-P07 ----- Potassium bichromate and chromate
2819-P08 ----- Potassium bromide
2819-P09 ----- Potassium chlorate
2819-P10 ----- Potassium chloride
2819-P11 ----- Potassium compounds, inorganic: except potassium hydroxide and carbonate
2819-P12 ----- Potassium cyanide
2819-P13 ----- Potassium hypochlorate
2819-P14 ----- Potassium iodide
2819-P15 ----- Potassium metal
2819-P16 ----- Potassium nitrate and sulfate
2819-P17 ----- Potassium permanganate
2819-P18 ----- Propellants for missiles, solid: inorganic
2819-R01 ----- Radioactive isotopes
2819-R02 ----- Radium chloride
2819-R03 ----- Radium luminous compounds
2819-R04 ----- Rare earth metal salts
2819-R05 ----- Reagent grade chemicals, inorganic: refined from technical grades
2819-R06 ----- Rubidium metal
2819-S01 ----- Salt cake (sodium sulfate)
2819-S02 ----- Salts of rare earth metals
2819-S03 ----- Scandium
3819-S04 ----- Silica, amorphous
2819-S05 ----- Silica gel
2819-S06 ----- Silicofluorides
2819-S07 ----- Silver bromide, chloride, and nitrate
2819-S08 ----- Silver compounds, inorganic
2819-S09 ----- Soda alum
2819-S10 ----- Sodium aluminate
2819-S11 ----- Sodium aluminum sulfate
2819-S12 ----- Sodium antimoniate
2819-S13 ----- Sodium arsenite, technical
2819-S14 ----- Sodium bichromate and chromate
2819-S15 ----- Sodium borates
2809-S16 ----- Sodium borohydride
2819-S17 ----- Sodium bromide, not produced at mines
2819-S18 ----- Sodium chlorate
2819-S19 ----- Sodium compounds, inorganic-mgg
2819-S20 ----- Sodium byanide
2819-S21 ----- Sodium hydrosulfite
2819-S22 ----- Sodium, metallic
2819-S23 ----- Sodium molybdate
2819-S24 ----- Sodium perborate
2819-S25 ----- Sodium peroxide
2819-S26 ----- Sodium phosphate
2819-S27 ----- Sodium polyphosphate
2819-S28 ----- Sodium silicate
2819-S29 ----- Sodium silicofluoride
2819-S30 ----- Sodium stannate
2819-S31 ----- Sodium sulfate-bulk or tablets
2819-S32 ----- Sodium tetraborate, nou producdd at mioes
2819-S33 ----- Sodium thiosulfate
2819-S34 ----- Sodium tungstate
2819-S35 ----- Sodium uranate
2819-S36 ----- Solid fuel propellants, inorganic
2819-S37 ----- Stannic and stannous chloride
2819-S38 ----- Strontium carbonate, precipitated, and oxide
2819-S39 ----- Strontium nitrate
2819-S40 ----- Sublimate, corrosive
2819-S41 ----- Sulfate of potash and potash magnesia, not produced at mines
2819-S42 ----- Sulfides and sulfites
2819-S43 ----- Sulfocyanides
2819-S44 ----- Sulfur chloride
2819-S45 ----- Sulfur dioxide
2819-S46 ----- Sulfur hexafluoride gas
2819-S47 ----- Sulfur, recovered or refined, including from sour natural gas
2819-S48 ----- Sulfuric acid
2819-S49 ----- Synthetic Fluids
2819-T01 ----- Tanning!agents,!synthetic inorganic
2819-T02 ----- Thiocyanates, inorganic
2819-T03 ----- Tin chloride
2819-T04 ----- Tin compounds, inorganic
2819-T05 ----- Tin oxide
2819-T06 ----- Tin salts
2819-T07 ----- Tungsten carbide powder, except abrasives or by metallurgical process
2819-U01 ----- Uranium slug, radioactive
2819-W01 ----- Water glass
2819-Z01 ----- Zinc chloride


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